Re: hiking and camping with dogs in tow I think camping/walking with a dog is great & as you are probably aware there are a great number of...
Re: Final Countdown Morning all from a very tired Cabbie :P Charlie was as good as gold & only woke at 2.00am settled him & that was him...
Re: Final Countdown Hi All, Charlie has settled well today & although I haven't seen much of him today he's just making me beam. The wait was...
Re: Final Countdown I'm here....wooohooo big smiles on my face Charlie is home, safe & well ;D ;D ;D ;D He's sitting on my lap as i type ;)...
Re: Final Countdown Good Morning All, Well it's here the day has cometh wooo hoooo. Of course I'm trying to be so cool about the whole...
Re: Final Countdown Good Morning Julie, Charlie will be home tomorrow about 5. It's been an exceptionally long month but finally the day is...
Re: Final Countdown Good Morning All, Well it's nearly time...1 day to go 'till Charlie day ;D All prepped & ready to go...just his insurance...
Re: Final Countdown 3.00am in the morning & you lot have set me off again...air guitar in the garden....glad the neighbours are all asleep ???...
Re: Reunited....and it feels so good.... Lisa what a gorgeous picture & Simba looks so gorgeous. So glad you are back together x
Re: Final Countdown Good Morning all, Rachael, I should have put a different title to the thread sorry!! I've been singing it as well & it's...
Re: Having a Lab and working full time - possible? This is a great idea. By the sounds of it though i think you could manage a dog & work full...
Re: Final Countdown Thanks guys loved reading your posts it has made me chuckle..not the lack of sleep bit though!! Mind you i think Charlie...
Re: Final Countdown Katie it's not just the final days that drag it's been the whole 8 weeks :P & Helen love the Calamity of Charlies lol x
Re: Final Countdown 5 days is nothing really ( he says) although i keep getting butterflies in my stomach now. I've seen Charlie since he was a...
Good Morning all, I hope everyone is fit & well. Sorry for not contributing much over the passed couple of weeks but i had to keep a low...
Re: He did it... Now that's going some ;D ;D ;D
Re: Just a little update Well went to see Charlie again yesterday......laid back is an understatement!!!! Charlie had found himself a nice...
Re: Mind Blowing Good morning all, Thanks again for all the comments...excuse the pun but it has given me food for thought ;) McDonalds...
Re: Mind Blowing Thanks Guys, I'm so glad i joined this forum ;) questions that get answered, superb. It's nice to read about everyones...
Re: Just a little update Jac, I have done nothing with my spare time except read, video's etc etc. But putting it all into...