I agree with the lettuce!! and also cucumber!
Hello guys! I am curious about what kind of fruits do you give your dog and how often do you give them fruits. Does your doggo love it? :D
I give him kibbles twice a day but he seems like he's always hungry.
I am wondering about how much protein does my puppy needs other than giving him dog food (kibbles), what kind of other food do I have to give him?...
Oh! Thanks! I've read about baby shampoo being unharmful to dogs. I'm using an organic one once in a while. :D
Hello guys!! Have you tried sprinkling baking soda to your dog's fur to remove the "dog smell"? Thank you!
Hello there. I saw a dog who was up for adoption and I immediately felt sad and wanted to get it from the owner as soon as possible but with...
I think my dog has become more clingy when the lockdown happened and now even when I'm just going to the bathroom she whines a little. I'm scared...
Hi, everyone!! I have a 10 weeks puppy and he stays with my 4 older doggos. He gets to play with them too. The thing is, he snarls to me...