Thankfully she seems fine today, apart from rubbing her face every now and then with her paw, but that could be her teeth. Certainly doesn't seem...
Do not make good play mates! Jura disturbed a wasp whilst snuffling around the garden this morning, and thought it would be fun to chase it :(....
Thanks Boogie, just had a proper look at it on Amazon and looks just the thing - it's on order!
Ok strictly outside it is from now on! She did start off with a hose down outside to get the actual fox poo off her, but then I made the mistake...
Morning all, looking for some tips on what people find is the best/easiest way to bath the pup. I only bath Jura when I absolutely have to but my...
You're not alone. Jura is 2 days younger than Ella and also appears to be possessed by the devil today! Our 5 minutes of loose lead walking (with...
I bought an orange one last night, due to be delivered on Tuesday. Mainly for use in the garden at night as our garden is over an acre and having...
Poor Charlie, hope it heals up nice and quickly!
I worried about this too in the early days, and sometimes still do. Jura is 19 weeks, and it did take a while for us all to settle down and get...
Jura got a telling off from my mum's collie at 8 weeks old (and has since too!) and it hasn't affected her at all, she still loves the collie to...
Well she seems a lot better this morning but vet took her temp and it's still slightly high, hopefully the meds will sort that soon. No more...
My poor wee Jura had a terrible night with diarrhoea, started at 11.30pm and continued almost hourly until 6 this morning :(, so it was off to the...
I also keep on being asked what breed Jura is as she is a dark fox red lab, and there's not that many of them around where we are. I was once...
Welcome from me and our lab pup Jura (now nearly 19 weeks old, time flies!). We're also in Scotland, up in Aberdeenshire.
Jura definitely barks! Her breeder warned us when we picked her up that apparently she found her voice around 6 weeks old, and by 8 weeks when...
Yep, I too have the occasional walk where I end up carrying a full bag if there is no bin, thankfully it is rare as Jura normally goes immediately...
It was warmer here yesterday so yes that could have been affecting her, and she is certainly teething. She did perk up in the afternoon and was a...
Thanks for the advice, I gave them another phone and they advised to continue monitoring her as she is eating, drinking and toileting fine, and...
Morning all, I'm after some advice on whether to phone my vet about Jura (again!), who is now 17 weeks tomorrow. Thursday she came running...
Excellent, as you say Boogie it's expensive so I was thinking unless I can freeze it not sure I can justify it. Thanks all