Beulah had her first jabs yesterday & her microchip. She took it in her stride & slept better last night awake twice but stopped crying both times...
Re: Help! Not interested in treats Been to tescos - got cooked chicken from the deli counter - gone down a treat! Got a stinking headache from...
Re: Help! Not interested in treats Thanks everyone I really appreciate your support :-) Last night was hard she cried from 11 -2am but then...
Re: Help! Not interested in treats Heidrun I think you might be onto something - will talk to hubby about getting one tomorrow - I'm afraid...
Re: Help! Not interested in treats Unfortunately Karen I had to leave her as the crate wouldn't fit in my car, the harness was too small & my...
Beulah is a little angel & I know I'm very lucky to have her but I am afraid I've messed up with the crate. I had to crate her today to do the...
Re: House training ???! Have you tried just newspaper? I'm no expert & very new at this but I was putting puppy pads in one end of her crate with...
Re: Beulah comes home tomorrow haha that is hilarious! It is just like having a baby/toddler - all you end up talking about is poo/sleep. She has...
Re: Beulah comes home tomorrow She did one outside clever girl & last night was not too bad at all - she only whined/yapped for an hour - when we...
Re: Puppy toys haha thanks for the word of warning - thing is she mostly likes the shoes when they are on our feet at the moment!
Re: Puppy toys Beulah likes newspaper - off to get her a few things today. She does have a passion for shoes/feet - whats the best way to tell...
Re: I'm sure you have better things to do, but... Beautiful!
Re: Beulah comes home tomorrow haha shall we take bets on when it happens? I'm going for tonight! Blimey it really is like having kids when you...
Re: Beulah comes home tomorrow Not sure if he's done the right thing but hubby moved her from the middle of the kitchen floor to her crate & she...
Re: Beulah comes home tomorrow ps. still no number 2 - how many should I expect? Bet she's saving it for tonight!
Re: Beulah comes home tomorrow Thanks guys - just had meal number 2 no problem - had bit more progress with crate - she has gone in of her own...
Re: Beulah comes home tomorrow Well she's home & very whiney & not taking treats - she ate her dinner nicely at 1pm & has been drinking plenty of...
Are bubbles safe for puppies? I have actually seen dog bubbles in Wilkinsons which are non-toxic but they were made in china so bit sceptical. My...
Re: Beulah comes home tomorrow Thanks again everyone - I forgot to say my eldest actually sang her to sleep during that visit! Already got him...
Re: otis photos another try. What a handsome little chap!