Do you mean you intend to leave him outside by himself? My neighbours did that, their Golden Retriever could jump their four foot fence. I found...
It is buried, you have to read the whole thing to find it, but they dog (oops, do :) )say you can attach the clasp/snap to the stationary ring....
You can limit it if you want to, see my comment above. Mine actually is made of metal links, custom made for me out of an old metal choke collar....
Take a closer look, if you clip to the stationary ring it can be limited.
This is why I use a Volhard collar. It can slip or it can be limited. It was the required collar for Jet's first obedience class years ago and...
@alschwahn can you get Superlorin in the States? Think it is still not available in Canada. Our trainers encouraged folks with bitches in heat...
But, but, we've all read that the creator of the Labradoodle, an Australian man, greatly regrets the cross. This is just one of many, many...
My situation is probably at lot like yours. Oban isn't neutered. Many of the dogs in our competitive obedience and rally classes were intact as...
It's an even better picture in winter when the snow is deep and I can't run in it as well as Oban and I fall and he jumps on me. :)
This sounds like the ZOOMIEs and is common dog behaviour, not restricted to Labs. In all our dogs it often happened after we got home from a...
Oban clicked. First his shoulders, then his ankles, then his hips. I worried too and contacted his breeder. She said some just do. It was...
I've never heard that. Can you say where that information came from?
EAr infection can be yeast or bacteria and you need the Vet to culture it to find out which. Some yeast and bacteria are resistant to usual Vet...
Why is there always one like that around? We had one across the street get miffed when I said, NO. My 12 year old Lab girl who weighs only 56...
The only part of that I wouldn't like is the nipping and jumping. I'd encourage the actual zoomie part, it's fun. Oban never nips, Jet did. Jet...
I never encouraged it but Jet didn't swallow so I didn't worry too much. Except when she was a puppy, then she liked to trim my shrubs so had to...
I don't have one but a friend does and I have met the walker. As well as some points above she is bondable (she goes into people's homes so this...
I have no problem with dogs being left outside alone. Adult dogs. If it is safe, they have shelter from rain, heat, cold. They can't escape,...
WE have neighbours who yell out the dog's name. SPARKY. Sparky charges his neighbour on the other side, barking (barky Sparky) furiously and...