Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) You are welcome Pongo. Really pleased that i was able to help you in your time of need. Enjoy your gardening,...
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Oh my Pongo. How can this be happening. I have not known you sound so bored (other than when you had to wear...
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hello Wispa. Thank you very much for your comments on me relaxing in the garden. I so enjoy the warmer...
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) PONGO!!!!!!!!! must get much more food than me, or you find food and stash it away until you...
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hi Bella, Apologies for taking so long to get back to you. Dad hasn't been around as much which has been very...
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hi Harley, Am i really bigger than you now? Wow.....and i still have some growing to do so i hear which means...
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hello everyone (and thank you Wispa for your latest conversation.) Just sharing a couple of new photos as the...
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hi there Shadow, Really great to hear from you mate. Apologies for my absence just lately. Not quite sure...
Re: Pongo and the hoover
Re: Pongo and the hoover Is it really that surprising for us Other Halves to know how to use the hoover? :) I hoover, cook, wash, (chase Bud),...
Re: Pongo and the hoover Bud is very envious of Pongo right now as he would love to just lie back and enjoy the pampering effect of the hoover....
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hello Wispa, I certainly have had some really lovely exercise since my freedom has been returned to me. You...
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hi Pongo, Guess what mate - I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :) My long walks and runs have returned and the sun is...
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hello Wispa and Tuppy (and obviously my other friends too) Isn't it just one of the worst things ever Tuppy...
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) IN THE DOGHOUSE!!! I think this is the term my friends that is used when we have been naughty. I wasn't very...
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) NOOOOOoooooooooooo Tuppy!!!! You don't want to eat such nasty stuff. It can never taste as nice as treats, and...
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hi Bella, A fence that bites? Does it have really sharp teeth and a growl? Not sure i like the sound of...
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hello Wispa, A quick reply to you before i return to my bed for a nap. Mr Simon is a good man. I do still...
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hey Pongo mate. You are very welcome. I didn't like hearing you doubt yourself and wanted to help you realise...
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hi Holly, Wow, you have met Pongo. COOOOOOOOOOL. I am sure he is a great friend to go out on walks with. He...