Practical, yet makes perfect sense! Training for me at least has been difficult due to low attention span, but I'm always trying to be mindful of...
Very True! ;) I mean more in the sense here in North America, the amount of force you receive to have the procedure done in mind bending. My vet's...
That's great! I'm glad to know that you have the RIGHT to wait a year. As I state below... It's your dog, not theirs. Sorry, I apologize, This is...
Comfort and Confidence (my thoughts) When I first got my little guy Sora at 8wks, he was initially pretty good in the crate. But he was in a new...
Ok, so hypothetical scenario... I say 'sit'. Sora then complies. I THEN go off to get a treat from a counter top or other place? If so do I...
With mine (4.5 month old), I bought the Amazon Basics 'indestructible' Bed / Cot... He broke a tooth in half grinding the metal frame... The...
Okay, so as I've recently learned, most of my training turned out to be bribing with food. I have suspended training for the last few days well I...
As usual SnowBunny, Thank you kindly. Frankly all respondents... Thank you, I will purchase a larger crate and keep it going, BUT... I will also...
I'll keep it brief. The crate I bought (resizable) no longer goes up enough for my boy (4.5 months) to stand in comfortably. Do I purchase a...
I do see this , thus I have some hope yet. He's very confident and aims to please though for his own needs and wants. I'm going to try to phase...
So I'm in the process of teaching some basic commands with my 4 almost 5 month old Lab. The first command I taught was a simple 'Sit'. This became...
I was there myself. Your not alone in your feelings one bit. [IMG] This was brand new. That behavior is also normal at this age. Continue to...
:):):) That photo is hilarious. :):):) Thanks for a good laugh!
Brand new! Lasted about a week. Even at 4 months I'm seeing it get better. Just hang in there. The advice your getting is excellent. It just takes...
Alright, I know this is a strange question, but, What are the Swirls' of fur on the lower rump end of my boy. It's not those anal sacs. Is it...
I forgot to mention before, but also a puppies excitement level will heavily influence their demeanor. An over-excited puppy or as we say the...
NOT alone by any means. Conflicting advice is just that. There's no 100% way to train a puppy as they all have different personalities. Over time...
This was covered exactly in one of his classes. I guess trainers can't always be wrong, heh heh. Working on that one every day though he tends to...
Heck no!, as long as I say out of the military firing range clearly marked. There's hundreds of square kilometers to go in any direction! Nope,...
It has some resemblance, it's possible he trained me instead of the other way. If so whats the remedy?