Ya, that's where I take him alright. The problem is unless he's being fed, zero recall. He used to be close always, now he allows me to stray...
Thanks for the reply. He's now 4 months old. He free roams in the deep bush in the AM, and I attempt to lead walk him in the city in the PM. He's...
Having problems with this one. Big ones. It's been established that my Sora has the attention span of a lemming. If he's not being treated...
Chiming in here, EXACT same issues as you. At four months Sora is 'crazy' at times. Trust me it takes a lot of beer to calm ME down.(Not to...
You’re not alone. It does sometimes seem like a mental 'switch'. Out of nowhere all of a sudden I'm the new chew toy. Especially (In my case)...
Not even a question, Living proof. Nine week old lab, Sora. HATED crates Automobile rides, and any 'alone time'. Nothing we did made a...
So my lab Sora is going on nine weeks. Struggling as expected. Crate training, House breaking, Clicker training, ect. (Post Puppy Depression o_O)...
Yep, Covered the crate. Things are looking a bit better. Still hard, but hopeful. I've slowed way down on things. It's getting better in some...
Thank you all for your information. I certainly don't use the crate as punishment ever, and the hour was technically 43 minutes (not by choice). I...
So on day two with an 8 week old lab (https://thelabradorforum.com/threads/hello-from-canada.20800/). Potty issues are a fact at this point. In...
I'm near CFB Petawawa, which is funny because we picked him up from the breeder by CFB Trenton. Just a coincidence I'm sure. Heh heh.
Thanks guys and gals. I submitted the names Sora and Hiro to the CKC. Not sure which they accepted (if any) yet, but for all intents and purposes...
I'm am a proud new owner of a CKC registered Yellow 8 week old lab. I'm new to dogs as I previously had Cats. I've bought all of Pippa's books,...