Yes, ours does this and it seems to have had a resurgence with teething. So when he does it I try to have a chewable toy for him every time he...
I agree with Joy. Please don't use one. If you are having issues with pulling on the lead you could try a comfortable front attaching harness or...
Sometimes the biting only starts once they have settled in, so give it a few days! A big welcome to Lincoln btw. :)
Yup, Chewie looks a little... folded when he sits properly because his legs are so long. His body has obviously decided to grow legs first. He...
We dont use a food bowl at all. Most of his kibble gets used for training and games. The rest gets fed out of food dispensing toys like a kong,...
We are also 5 months old. Lead walking is all over the place. Sometimes he is great, other times he just sits and stares at you, and of course he...
It probably depends on whether it is an alarm bark or an excitement bark? If it's an alarm bark getting the visitor to give a treat is a good...
It sounds like you are having a tough time with your diagnosis and being by yourself for big chunks of time. It really will get better, I'm sure...
We met a couple with an older Lab today and they basically told us that we were in for a lot of naughtiness and a lot of joy. That pretty much...
I completely agree with @Stew. That is a long time for a dog to be alone. We are in a similar position for the remainder of this year...
We found it very difficult and spent aaaages trying to choose at 5 weeks. We narrowed it down to the puppies that seemed friendliest and most...
Maybe they really liked the spice? :p There's a really tough looking, muscular Staffie called Basil here. He is a big sweetie and loves my puppy....
Aren't those cuddles just the best? It sounds like you've had a really rough run with Luna, so it's great that you can find *any* positives. I...
I have to admit I only let him off lead when there's the two of us. I definitely don't on our weekday morning walks because I'm too sleepy to give...
At pretty much 5 months old Chewie sure has become more of a handful! He is jumping a lot more and trying to countersurf. We are going to have to...
I've been wanting to try these, but havent found anywhere in Australia that we can buy them. Our go to chews are kangaroo tendons (15mins tops)...
Chewie's kennel club name is Phenwick Royal Magic. Chewie is short for Chewbacca, mostly so that when we get around to having human children my OH...
Oh no! I'm sure a sick pup makes it so much harder. To be honest, I do try to laugh, but I also cry at times! It's quite the emotional rollercoaster.
In my husband's words "being annoying and loveable is the definition of a puppy." All you can do is distract. I know how frustrating it is, my 20...
We also live in a 3 storey terrace. Baby gates are your friend! Luckily our pup is perfectly happy to be carried most of the time. It's an...