Thank you! It's all him really. He seems to really look forward to training sessions and is so attentive for well... a toddler! The labby food...
Yesterday was more puppy school. We did the intro to loose lead walking. He was a champ and actually lapped most of the other dogs. He had a...
As I said above they recommend xrays for all breeds prone to HD. The procedure is only recommended if they find evidence of it on xray. I...
It's just what they recommend for all labs. Which seems a bit strange, but yeah.
We also have hardwood floors. A lot of people here do. I think the issue is more if they are walked for far too long on hard surfaces on lead (so...
We have decided to hold off for now as there are no specific reasons to be concerned and the GA seems excessive in that context. As a medical...
Before Chewie came home we were all "He won't be allowed on the sofa." Guess who is curled up on my lap on the sofa right now? And I wouldn't...
The advantage to screening pups at this age rather than at 6-12months (using PennHip rather than conventional hip scoring) is that there is a...
Sorry, i could have explained myself better! Basically our vet recommends that ALL labs (and GSDs etc) have hip xrays so that if they are at risk...
No, this is based purely on him being a lab and therefore at increased risk of hip dysplasia. He is asymptomatic.
Our vet has recommended that our pup has hip xrays between 16 and 20 weeks of age. Since this will require a general anaesthetic we would rather...
I used to get this a lot too, and still do sometimes. Sometimes I just go upstairs for a minute or two and he calms down because he has learnt...
I usually have to drag our 14 week old pup out of bed at 6.15 during the week so he can do his business and I can give him some attention before I...
We are doing the same thing re giving him his meals while we cook or eat to reward a quiet lie down. The funny thing is, when we take him to our...
This is wonderful! Well done to you and Wilson. We are working on the same thing so this is very encouraging.
I can also vouch for kongs. Our pup used to cry when we left in the morning but now he gets so excited because he gets a frozen Kong. He also...
The closed fist helps so much. I swear he nearly took off my fingers a couple of times! He is just so clumsy and hungry. It is literally 2...
Agree with everything people have said. The right daycare can be fantastic. Our boy goes to a family type daycare now that we are back at work....
We get that asked if Chewie is really a lab because he has a white marking on his chest. If we really want to bore people we start talking about...
Hi all! I'm posting this so I can look back at all the progress we make with 14 week old Chewie. He is a companion dog, but down the track we...