Bought one to. Gosh, so many courses. :rolleyes:
Thanks for sharing! If any other courses promotions will be available please inform, especially courses for owners of reactive dogs. The courses...
I found myself a new hobby and would love to take Kona hiking. Her reactivity to strangers (barking when surprised and approached to be petted;...
Perfect! Love the nature! :)
Edgar was about 4 years old when Kona arrived. He was awful, mad and grumpy. She got hit in the head many times, even screeched, and not only if...
Yay smiley faces! :D [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
It slows her down, it takes about 90 sec to finsh her meal. Compared to 10 seconds and throwing up it does good.
We use this one.[IMG] [IMG]
Kona was a small puppy; at 2 months she was about 4.5 kg. Now, at 17 months she is 28.5 kg (52-53 cm tall). Still, people usualy comment how...
Harnesses that fasten on the chest are often used to reduce pulling, like Easy walk(er).
Thank you! She was about 6.5 kg (14.5 ibs) when 2.5 month old, and now she is 28.5 kg (62 ibs) at 17 months. But she is below the standard with 53...
Then : now [IMG]
Work on that problem, show him there is no need to react. Kona has the same problem, she is scared and will bark or even growl at strangers. It...
I agree. Kona had itching problem, due to food additive (my conclusion). She usualy eats barf, but over the summer months we feed her kible, totw...
Spider bite, I think. Kona had swallen eyelid, it was better in the evening and finally gone the next day. Hope Arnie feels better today ☺
Take a look at a raw food articles
I sympathize. Kona hates her harness(es) since around same age, I can not name a single reason why. Tried different models, touching game you...
Kona will get, beside a collar, a tractive gps - due to her reactivity and fear I consider it to be a smart gift (for me at least). If something...
We also have a Furminator, since she lost her puppy fur. Other types of brushes were not helpful at all.
Kona was about the same height and weight (around 18). When she was 6 months old we met a 1y old male labrador, who was 32 kg, and she was really...