Is the screaming in pain always associated with movement or can it be completely spontaneous? This is something your specialist vet will want to...
How awful, so so sorry, thinking of you at this terrible time
Also bear in mind that your Dalmador has an allergic reaction to grass. That is an hereditary problem (atopic disease in dogs is defined as an...
We do use NSAID's in dogs all the time to reduce the inflammation associated with arthritic conditions, etc. NSAID's simply do not work to reduce...
A tricky one to comment on. The key to mimimal drug use in dogs is an accurate diagnosis and for any long-term problem then a full workup is...
Hi there. There is a very good article by Kohler, Stengel and Neiger in the Journal of Small Animal Practice March 2012, pp 182-184 where dietary...
Zip up polo neck style Equafleece coats here too - great for putting wet, cold and muddy dogs into and getting dry, warm and reasonably clean ones...
Saxaphone Gundogs are just down the road from me and I have met and worked with some of their great dogs, including the famous Saxaphone Express!
Lochan is an Olympic-standard scavenger when out off lead. She doesn't touch carcases though, she just retrieves them for me. I think training her...
Hahaha the parcours puppy - brilliant!
Hi there. I too have had an epileptic labrador on KBr. In terms of the problems you are having, specific interactions between KBr and insecticides...
Looking at the photo Charlie's nail are definitely short enough and I wouldn't be taking any more off myself. I never do Tarka, her anatomy is...
When my boys were young the mums used to debate the merits of Gucci and Prada at the school gates. I was much more knowledgeable about the merits...
So sorry to hear this, I'm sure she will be in your heart when you go shooting again.
That is great, just great. S and S must be so much happier, such a nice update to read.
Under the amended Dangerous Dogs Act, this dog would be classified as "dangerously out of control in a public place" and this now includes...
Hmmm fatty lumps are not usually attached to muscle. If that were my dog I'd remove it for sure even if the fine needle aspirate indicates just...
Sorry she is having problems like this. My technique for putting eye drops in involves not letting her see you put the bottle near the eye. This...
Another vote for Animology Fox Poo Shampoo here - works really well. The tomato ketchup/tomato juice trick does work, but if you are in a...
Two hundred cow ears??? Tarka and Lochan are booking their cross-channel tickets as I type.....