Another vote for a chat with your vet here. They are in the best position to advise you on what is happening local to you and make a risk...
That is a shame, they always seem to pick a tricky time don't they? But there will be other Finals for the gorgeous Poppy I'm sure, but I really...
Well I've just got back from my last contribution to the walk. Another 10 miles across the moors but in even worse weather than yesterday. I...
Haven't heard a peep out of the dogs since we got home. The area we were walking in today is truly wild, desolate and beautiful to me - at least...
Today we did a 10 mile charity walk. This was to help out a client of ours who has been blind from birth and has had guide dogs for 40 years. To...
I shake mine out sort of like shaking down an old-fashioned thermometer. The dogs now know to keep out of the way of any flying spittle....
Gosh when I had my first son he used to scream and scream and scream until he was sick if you put him down at all for the first six weeks of his...
I'm interested in how you can do this. Your two obviously "speak dog" well as they will back off from a confident bitch and have been well...
Yep, some dogs just don't "speak dog" particularly well. I suspect these are dogs which may have been removed from the litter too soon, not been...
Lady is hilarious. Tarka would never refuse a walk but Lochan really hates rain and has been known to hide in the hay shed at the farm on...
I don't see that Lochan in any way gave an inappropriate response. The dog persistently pestered her, she "speaks dog" extremely well, and in the...
Good lad Pongo, way to go!
He is a cracking looking dog, and obviously enjoying what he has been bred to do.
But I think there is a huge difference between dogs interacting on a normal "meet and greet" basis which happens all the time and my dogs are fine...
Yep, been there with my two. 12 hours post-spay Lochan decided to start a hoolie with Tarka, jumped clear over the armchair in the sitting room...
There is also a subgroup of folk who just let their dogs push and push for a reaction because "it'll do him good to be told off for it". It...
Absolutely, to my mind his dog needed to be on a lead or under close control and it was really, really intently bothering Lochan. The owner seemed...
Out for our morning walk today and apart from dodging escaped cattle (another story) we got up onto an old railway line and were walking along...
I'm sure Debsie will be along in a bit as she does a lot of running with her two, and Brods used to jump up and grab her clothes and hold her arm...
He is such a good boy, you should be very proud.