My older son had a tick borne encephalitis vaccine in the UK from Superdrug of all places. He had it before a 1 month trip to Mongolia where it is...
Lochan does something like this if male dogs indulge in what she considers inappropriate sniffing. She will clamp her tail down between her legs,...
The Fish4Dogs one has a wine box type dispenser so it's very easy to pour on their food. I've never noticed a smell from it, possibly because it's...
I use the Fish4Dogs version, comes in a 3l wine box type container and lasts the girls ages.
If I could stop the shedding I would be a multi-millionaire by now.....
It' s how she got her name!
Both of mine will just swim for fun, Tarka more than Lochan
It looks like he's doing really well. Onwards and upwards Charlie!
Hi there and welcome to the forum. I would definitely go and see your vet for a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkiller. Getting one...
I feel for you both, I really do. Tarka used to leg it off after deer but even in her heyday didn't manage 50 minutes. I would have been beside...
Another vote for showing that video to your vet. It just made me wonder if he had a piece of grass stuck above his soft palate. This is not...
A few photos of HNPK in a labrador. This is a relatively severe case and had laser removal of the affected areas. [img]P1010479.JPG by , on...
Yup, if it's not infected Sudocrem usually helps quickly. If it's infected it will look spotty.