Re: Chewer here! This is an acquired taste, and one that many Labradors seem quite happy to acquire. Jac, you were a cruel mum?! I tried...
Re: never ending Julie has beaten me to it - will post anyway! Maggie, I am sorry this is still causing you problems. If you rely on him being...
Re: Crate training Hmm... not long... trying to remember exactly. Think it was about 3 or 4 nights? Not much longer, if it was. By then I was...
Re: Nervous aggression That is a beautiful expression! Do you think TartanMouse would lend out Harry so Silas could 'smooth' that coat?? His...
Re: Crate while on holiday I'd definitely take the crate camping. ;D Of course, you might end up with the food stored safely in it out of the...
Re: Crate training Yes, I did use it from the first night - it becomes their safe spot from day one that way. I did have it next to my bed...
Re: Back on lead walks only Really glad to hear that Poppy is back to full fitness... and full speed too, no doubt! ;D Clare
Re: being unkind to your dog?! Madame Cholet, as a chef, feeds many. Clare
Re: Doggy Bags , thoughts ? It's an interesting cultural difference - in the U.S., it is the expectation that you will ask for a box for whatever...
Re: This isn't Lab health, but spaniel health Thanks, Rachael. ;D
Re: This isn't Lab health, but spaniel health Have just collected Theakston from the vets. They are keen to stress that it is still early...
Re: This isn't Lab health, but spaniel health Thank you, all of you- you won't believe how much better it has made me feel to read your messages....
Theakston has been at the emergency vets since first thing this morning. He seemed a little stiff last night, chose to go up the slope into the...
Re: being unkind to your dog?! If he thinks squirrel chasing is ok, I suggest you offer him the role of honorary squirrel and then see if he...
Re: Slimdoggy - the next instalment Yes please, very full report. And photos of the Labrador you believe should have won... Clare
Re: Charging and biting puppy Chocolate and wine are an excellent management plan! I know you use a crate, so when you have been playing the...
Re: Off to Hamble Hounds tomorrow - NERVOUS :/ Good luck, and enjoy it! I agree completely with Uncle Bob - don't focus on the past. Discuss...
Re: Is it me or him? Days when things like this really affect us happen to us all... The important thing to consider is whether you really want...
Re: Is it me or him? I think it's both of you. ;) You are a caring, considerate dog owner who has monitored his movements and patterns of...
Re: Brain Games For Dogs - Claire Arrowsmith I know several people have this one... Can I confess that I was a bit disappointed with it? I guess...