I don't use the my phone to surf cyber space, screens are too small for my old eyes, I use my desktop and laptop, so I have full screen viewing...
I tried to add this but my "edit time" expired ... By the way Zeke lives with two small dogs, 4 cats, a cockatiel and a tank of fish so he's used...
Zeke was/is like Molly, absolutely loves meeting other animals and people. It's one of the reasons I take him to the park before sunrise when most...
Yes that's the full quote, and I told you why I posted it, for the hours/months ratio, however I left the full quote intact. That said it does...
The idea of the quote is for a very general gauge on how long a dog can hold a pee, according to age, caged or not caged. I have found as Zeke...
My boy, Zeke, is a hugely food motivated dog and this is how we trained him, anything and everything he did/does that is good he gets a treat and...
Wifey almost, almost, saw the light one afternoon when Zeke found a stick he liked, got excited and nearly pulled her arm out of the socket...
Something I keep telling wifey is we need to be consistent with Zeke, walking, commands, treats, everything, especially when we are not all...
When he was a youngster (he's a year old now, lol) Zeke would sit at the door at stare at wifey or me. But if we weren't looking he'd wander off...
As do I, no matter how many times I read what I've written before posting.:eek::D:p
Zeke is another among the water slobbers ... that and when I sit down to eat he insists on playing retriever, constantly shoving whichever toy he...
Just give him time. I've watched my boy, Zeke, learn to love water. From the first time he got his toes wet and freaked out to now when a trip to...
My boy Zeke is just about 10 1/2 months now. I got him at around 9 weeks. I have been taking him everywhere in the Jeep since I got him so for him...
Back in March when my Zeke was about 6 months old I took him to a nearby horse farm. He just sat and watched, let out a short low grumble once but...
Zoysia Grass Benefits Low water Consumption - The root system of Zoysia grass is deep as well as extensive thus requiring little if any...
My lawn is a Zoysia variety of grass, very hardy grass, stands up well to high traffic and so far, dog pee. If you can get it where you are you...
Hello and welcome from me (Bill) and Zeke. [IMG]