Re: Just an introduction [IMG] ok got it now at last. :)
Re: Just an introduction ok not meant to be same picture, said i was useless at this. try again[IMG]
Re: Just an introduction [IMG] [IMG] this was when we first had Lily, it didn't last very long :(
Re: Just an introduction [IMG] yes it works !!
Re: Just an introduction [img] im not sure if this is going to work and not even sure if its the right image. great photo! Annabelle we used to...
Re: Just an introduction hi everyone, i've managed to put some photo's in photobucket, but now not sure how i get them on here. useless with...
Re: Hi from Scotland OMG ! He's beautiful, and looks a bundle of joy. Mel
Hi from kent. I am conkers mum, he's nearly 3years old and is a chocolate lab, we've had him since he was 12weeks old, and has done training up to...
Re: new to forum, having some issues Having read some of the other posts, a lot is said for reward training, I have tried this with a variety of...
Re: new to forum, having some issues Hi Rachel, Yes we live in kent. Mel
Re: new to forum, having some issues hi, many thanks for the reply's. Firstly he's fine with other dogs most of the time, we have come across a...
Hi I have a choc lab whose nearly 3years old, we've had him since he was 12 weeks old and have done training up to silver good citizenship. When...