Re: Leaving puppy at home alone - advice needed HI All, Thanks you all for the sounds advice. Initially I planned to reply to each one of your...
Re: Leaving puppy at home alone - advice needed Thanks for reply, I'll send a proper reply in the morning. We also going to have a kitten in the...
Re: Leaving puppy at home alone - advice needed Jules, I really take offence to your post, but I'll give you a proper reply tomorrow morning when...
Hi there, I was just wondering if there were any forum members based in Australia who could recommend Pet Insurance Companies? Cheers, Robbie
Hi guys, We will be getting our 8 week old puppy (Zulu) this Friday. We will be at home with puppy the whole weekend and on Monday....
Re: Puppys first few nights in new home - advice needed Thanks for the advice.. With regards to the post from JulieT, she wrote: I have been...
Re: Thread: Newbie - Introduction Thanks for the advice! My Daughter is almost 4 and my son is 1.5 years old.
Hi All, I am collecting my Labrador puppy this Friday (2 days’ time), so excited After doing a bit of reading from this forum / site, I had...
Re: Thread: Newbie - Introduction WOW! Thanks for all the SPEEDY replies.. i can see this forum is going to great :) Our lab is a black male and...
Hi All, I would just like to introduce myself and my “soon to be” puppy to the forum. My puppy is a Labrador retriever and he will be joining...