Re: 17 weeks and still biting our clothes Odin started this when he was about 5 month old. Jumping up a tearing at my wifes clothes and he tore...
Re: What's your pedigree name? Odins pedigree name is Aaron vom Hexenbödele ;D
Re: How many names? ;D ;D ;D i LOVE that topic ;D ;D Odins extra names would be(all german of course): Bär(bear) Bärli(little bear)...
Re: Agressive behaviour against other male dogs! Help needed!! Hey karen thank you for your reply! :) We are attending gundog classes on a weekly...
Re: Agressive behaviour against other male dogs! Help needed!! Thank you for your thoughts on our problem Jen. I'm glad for every input i can get...
Re: Agressive behaviour against other male dogs! Help needed!! Thanks for your answers! We've been working very hard on that "look at me"...
Hey fellow forum addicts, we got a "little" problem with our boy Odin(22 month). For the last half a year or so his behaviour towards other...
Re: Could Rolo's food be too rich? Hey Kris! Whats the consistency of those first poos? Are they hard or runny too? Slimey and snotty poo could...
Re: Gibson at 10 weeks ;D ;D that last pic ;D ;D ;D very cute puppy! :) :)
Re: Nose changing colour No worries! Odin's sister who is a yellow lab had a nose black as coal when she was a puppy. Now at 1,5 years its...
Re: New to the group Beautiful girl! Welcome to the forum from me and Odin! :)
Re: Happy first birthday Buddy Happy birthday Buddy from me and Odin :) :) :)
Re: A very sad announcement . Oh my god what terrible news! :'( i just came back from a 3 week vacation with no inet and was browsing through the...
Re: We're all wet! Uhh what an experience! When Odin was young he had a tennis ball he loved. I used to throw it in our lokal lake for him to...
Re: Poorly Charlie Oh no what a worry! All fingers crossed here!
Re: Wrong, just plain and simply wrong >:( >:( >:( >:(
Re: Dog Rules Started at 3 when we got Odin and we are at 6 atm ;D ;D
Re: Odin 9 months old and first 8 hours trip to Kansas. Wow what a handsome boy :)! Cool name btw ;) and welcome to tha forum from me and my boy...
Re: Puppy snatching food Hi and welcome to the forum! :) You might try to let her sit while you slowly lower her bowl. Watch her closely and...
Re: Hello from Bryn (in South Wales) Welcome to the forum from me and Odin(16month black lab boy) :) :) Very cute little fur ball!!