Re: Sick pup. I'd hold off for a little while. Make sure he's drinking, and if he seems okay later on, then a small feed (of cooled rice if you...
Having a rough day with our girls. They turn 6 months tomorrow and are just little terrors! Up to about 5 months they were fairly easy - always...
Hi there everyone! Just so confused about feed! When we got them, they were fed Beta puppy which after a month we changed to Barking Heads Puppy...
Re: Teaching dogs to ring a bell! They've got it!! They ring the bell when they want to go out! I'm so pleased with them :) I wonder how long...
Re: Sara's puppy classes We went to a pet shop the other day. They have so many lovely smelling dead things and bags of food. Often if you look...
Re: Teaching dogs to ring a bell! Oh wow! that's amazing! How on earth did you train the washing machine?! My girls would take one sock each and...
Re: I have 2 very playful pups! Well that worked! Just need to work out how to make it bigger. Will get my better camera out tomorrow and try...
Re: I have 2 very playful pups! [img]IMG-20140804-WA0003 by jessltaylor3, on Flickr Did that work? That's Willow at 8 weeks! She was one tubby...
Re: How are all our younger pups doing at night?? I'm with Boogie and Rosie - it does pass!! Our girls are 5 months and will sleep from 10/10:30...
Re: How much exercise does my puppy need? We generally do one structured walk a day of up to 40 minutes, for our 5 month old girls. I know that...
Re: Teaching dogs to ring a bell! Okay, that's a good idea! Hopefully they'll get the idea quicker that way. Neither are our girls very...
Hi everyone! Has anyone else taught their dogs to ring a bell when they need to go outside? I've started training mine! I started by getting...
Re: Thoughts on routine vs flexibility We don't let our dogs rule us. At the end of the day they are animals! I've found that any animal with a...
Re: I have 2 very playful pups! Thank you all for your lovely welcomes! I'm looking forward to chatting with you all. There's lots of things I'd...
Hello there! I'm new to this forum but seeing as I have two pups that prove slightly tricky at times, I thought this would be a good place to...