Re: Photo of Meg Gorgeous. Really intelligent looking. Can I please have a cuddle? :)
Re: Wind! I'm still laughing. :) When meg used to have wind it was silent and deadly. She wouldn't even raise her head or move away.
Re: Benson Strikes Again! :) :) Yep typical lab. Of course he might have worried that he wasn't going to get a piece so decided to get in first.
Re: Trust Trust to me is everything you all have said. If I need to put ear drops in megs ear she goes straight to my Dad who's 92 and that to me...
Re: New Puppy Countdown Ah exciting times ahead for you. Welcome from me and my girl meg 14.
Re: Wind! Um yes I know exactly what you mean. :) My old girl who is 14 now had terrible wind, I got some samples from various companies (she...
Re: Desperately seeking rescue labrador! Hi and welcome from me and meg my 14 year old. Good luck with the meeting. Let us know how you get on....
Re: Birthday Girl Happy birthday Lady, definitely not soppy David. I posted in April for megs 14th. They all deserve to have their birthdays...
Re: Time to say goodbye So sorry to read this. My girl is 14 now and I know that day probably isn't far away. I've already decided if I have to...
Re: Hello from Florida Ah, he's gorgeous. A lovely colour.
Re: Is it body language I wonder ? Well done Sam. You are a lovely boy helping your mum look after Millie. Extra treat deserved.
Re: Inverted vulva Meg is 14 now but when she was about 9 months (I think, long time ago) our vet at the time wanted to spay her before her first...
Re: Molly is one year old today Happy birthday Molly, make sure you get everything you want - only for today mind you. Love from me and megs.
Re: Molly in Minnesota is sick! Sorry to hear about Molly. My lab is 14 too and was diagnosed with cushings disease earlier this year. I know...
Re: Now Sam is poorly Ah poor you and Sam. Good news is that it isn't a bug so Millie will be safe. Get well soon Sam.
Re: Nelson Lovely news. Well done you and Nelson. I love it when we go to vets now for mundane things like getting nails clipped and Julie says...
Re: Oh no... Well done Simba. You're past the first hurdle now. :)
Re: Hello from Andorra!! Hi and welcome from me and meg my 14 year old yellow lab. Photos are stunning. Bet you can't wait. We got meg from a pet...
Re: dog insurance Hi, I am with Pinnacle insurance. When meg was a puppy our vet recommended a plan which we started but I think they got took...
Re: Lilly's biopsy Brilliant news. Weight off your mind.