Re: Millie is having emergency surgery tonight Poor Millie. Hope she's home with you all soon. Any idea when she can come home?
Re: Millie is having emergency surgery tonight Kate, I've looked up Westmoor. If the vet is Chris Warren, Millie is in really really good hands....
Re: Millie is having emergency surgery tonight Oh Kate. I feel for you I really do. Hopefully the op will turn out ok. She's in good hands. I...
Re: Zylkene Hi Jen, I've tried mostly everything on the market, the diffusers, collar, kalm aid, bachs rescue and others. Will certainly let you...
Re: Ulcer on her eye Kate, so sorry to read this. Good thing is she's being seen this afternoon. Will be thinking of you, please let us know how...
Re: Zylkene Interesting about the Dorwest herbs Kate. I've checked and if need be meg can have the two together. Will try her just on zylkene and...
Re: EEEEEEK *new pics* Absolutely gorgeous and beautiful.
Re: Cute Sleepy Puppy Picture I love puppies. Beautiful.
Re: Lilly's biopsy :) :) Love it, being lifted on to bed.
Re: Ulcer on her eye Really hope improvement continues. Little love, she deserves a big hug from me and a waggy tail from megs.
Re: When do puppies stop being hyperactive? Mmm, I think meg was about 2 - 3 years old when she settled down. But even then she still had her mad...
Hi everyone, Meg and I are off on holiday 4 weeks on Saturday. It's a long drive about 4 - 5 hours. Meg has never liked the car from when she was...
Re: Amazing Senses I think they remember as well. When we go on holiday we go to the same place and as we're driving down the country lane near...
Re: Lilly's biopsy Ah poor Lily. Mum did the right thing taking you to vet. You do look so sorry for yourself. Jac don't feel guilty, you've done...
Re: Friends Dog Attacking Men :( What a horrible situation. The owners don't seem to care about the poor dog. They really are in denial....
Re: Ulcer on her eye Ah, I've just come on to see how she is today and I'm so sorry to read your news Kate. Hopefully the strong ointment vet has...
Re: Giving your dogs medication Megs has a concoction of pills to take each morning. I use pate as well. She thinks it's a treat :)
Re: Ulcer on her eye Ah Millie, poor you. Sounds so painful. Get well soon sweetie. lots of love from me and megs.
Re: My mums cat died :( Lauren, so sorry, I've just seen this. Just want to send you hugs. You're doing the right thing waiting until your...
Re: Massive panic! Blimey what a fright, frightening reading it never mind experiencing it. Thank goodness you went looking for her when you did....