As an occasional breeder, I would much prefer a puppy to be returned to me and the sooner the better.
All my babies have now gone to their new homes :( It's bitter sweet as they have all gone to lovely homes. I had hoped to update this thread more...
As Edp says, you'll get 100 different answers from 100 different people. Personally, I use Nutriment raw for all my puppies.
Have you tried stuffing a kong?
I would recommend having her xrayed for a proper diagnosis and to know the extent of her ED if indeed she does have it. If it is bad and as she is...
The puppies have now moved out to the kennel so are now able to enjoy some more outside playtime. Their routine is now to play outside for an hour...
It could be something as simple as a dietary deficiency such as copper, a side effect of long term medication, or simply that he is moulting or...
When is he scratching them? You might be better to stop him scratching rather than try to cover them. Is he doing is when you close him in the...
Just a little one ;) I'm a strong believer of what's meant to be.. x
Most people are happy to let me guide them once I know their personalities a bit more. There is just one person who wants to choose themselves....