As their growth slows down, so does their food intake requirement. If her body condition score is good, I would not be worried. Pop her food down,...
Hi Linda. How long has she been doing this for? Whats her Body Condition Score?
Difficult one. Can you check her EBV on the KC site? Personally, I'd say it's low risk, but there is still a risk when there are so many puppies...
Blimey, it's a lot of work taking on 2 puppies! Good luck!
Ear infections certainly can cause balance issues. Seizures tend to happen more when the dog has work or being resting then gets up. Has he been...
I bath mine at least once a year :D
Are they puppies?
I would definitely say collar and lead. You have a good couple of weeks to teach her where 'heel' is with out a lead initially, then with the lead...
What are you feeding him? I think some kibbles are not easily digested and come out smelling and tasting good to the dog as they have not been...
What flea/tick treatment have you given her?
I think that majority of the users on here are in the UK.
I'd go right back to puppy basics ie if she usually wakes you up at 3 am, set your alarm for 2.30, wake her up, take her out and back to bed. Do...
The only think that I have found that works is 1)preventing them peeing on the lawn as much as possible, and 2) rinsing well with lots of water if...
I would say again that if I only had 1 or 2 dogs I definitely would. A bill for £5k for a nasty break, or random illness is quite feasible. If...
Hi John, a really frustrating problem for you and I think that you are right to be cautious! I would strongly suggest having some sessions with a...
This must be truly awful for you. I don't mean to sound harsh, but if the pup is suffering to the point where you are questioning his quality of...
Teach a good sit.
Of course! What sort of puppy class is it? I'd avoid any that involve the puppies being let loose together. Other than the risk of them getting...
Stick to it. Metabolism is faster during the day than the night (same with us humans).
I would recommend for anyone with one or two dogs to insure them. We have 10 so it's not feasible, but we do have the resources to cover vet...