I'd start with a vet check to check that there is nothing going on medically that can explain this need to eat more grass, bark and mud. If all is...
It depends on your situation. I usually keep 2 puppies at a time, but there are two of us and we train, walk, socialise them separately. Bare in...
No, labs vary a lot. Does his weigh look right?not too skinny, not too fat?
Welcome along to the forum! I would certainly be interested to hear more about his overbite. What has the vet said, what did the breeder say? Is...
I personally don't accept biting after they reach 8 weeks old, but as she has been doing this for 10 months with you it may be more challenging to...
So pleased to hear that! A few days/weeks off training will do him no harm at all x
Do you do any retrieving training with her? It helps to get them keen on the retrieve item (a ball is fine and practical to take out on walks)....
Sorry to hear that he has been unwell. How is he doing now?
Destruction is usually due to separation anxiety. If she is expecting to be left for 4 hours, a quick wee, then another 4 hours, the she likely...
Go back to simple marks only for a while to break the habit, then move on to short memories using white dummies. I'd do nothing else for a month...
Hi JoAnn, they can start doing 'odd' things as they age. We have always had a very strict No Dogs Upstairs rule, but our oldest has started...
Get her wild about a tennis ball, then, as soon as she indicates that she's found the item you want, thrown the ball. Very gradually build up the...
If you are curious, you could get him DNA tested.
How long do you leave him for? How was he introduced to being alone? Stress is usually the main factor which makes them toilet when they are left...
I absolutely, definitely would not consider buying a pup from parents which were not hip and elbow scored (with low hips and zero elbows). Ever....
No not steps, but a step will be fine.
Looks perfectly normal and his weight is normal for a pup that age. I can see nothing to be concerned about from what you have said, or from your...
It's unfortunately quite common for young pups to do this. They get their little teeth hooked and pull back, so they are not actually stuck, they...
Can you use the chance to do a bit of calm training; sit, heal etc and pop her in her crate for a while?
I agree with getting to the vets as soon as you can, but if you have recently changed his diet, then I would certainly recommend moving his...