Hi from another Scot :hi:
Hahaha :cwl:
Love your new name SwampDonkey :nod:
Baxter walks about with it hooked to his tooth, then throws it to try and separate it :facepalm:
Okay who is responsible for the puppy header? It's making me broody :wasntme:
Love the bunk beds :rofl:
Well done Molly :penguin::happyfeet::penguin:Happy dance
Oh goodness how frightening. Hope Dexter is feeling a lot better now? I was wondering how your holiday was going? thinking of all the fab walks...
Congratulations.. well deserved :clap:
We got Baxter last year a week before we were going on holiday (9 weeks old) it was a little unexpected and we wondered whether to take him. The...
Hi EllisandDougie and welcome to the forum. I wouldn't be at all worried about your pup he sounds happy and healthy. If you look through this...
We are just back from our holiday in Yorkshire, Baxter had a ball :doug:
Okay finally got round to getting him weighed, so here is Baxter's weight since birth.. 8 Weeks old 4.9kg 9 Weeks old 5.7kg 12 Weeks old 10.4kg...
A young whippersnapper here Baxter :doug:
Welcome from me and Baxter :doug:
Welcome to the forum from me and Baxter :doug:
I hope Shadow is ok :( and you! what a fright you must have had seeing 4 dogs coming at full pelt
We picked Baxter up last year the week we were going on holiday to Yorkshire. He was just 9 weeks and as you can imagine everyone who met him just...
So sorry for your loss x