Duncan is about 10.5 months old and has never even tried to lift his leg and shows no signs of doing it anytime soon haha - he did start marking a...
@Hugo's mum Don't worry - you are NOT alone! Duncan is about 10.5 months and I wrote about this recently and talked to his trainer about it and it...
@jeanine Oh, also! Here is something we found over the counter that works THE BEST for ears - this solution is for when they are starting to get...
Duncan had nonstop diarrhea problems that brought us to the vet for the first 6-7 months of his life that the vet kept having to put him on...
Yes, I should definitely start doing this more - I could sometimes take my laptop outside and get some work done for 30 minutes here and there, I...
I do think I should start leaving him more often during the weekdays for short periods of time and leave out the front door and come back and vary...
Yes, I leave him for a few minutes or few seconds all the time! and when he was a baby I realized I was making a bit of a fuss of him when I would...
Haha ours is definitely a thief as well and we have to keep towels, tshirts, everything away from him or he will run off with them (he would never...
It is when either of us leaves out the front door and he can see us leaving - moreso me than my OH because I work from home and he is with me all...
Yes, unfortunately we do both, we leave a TV on always on low for him and we have tried to go back to basics with the crate & he is completely...
Thank you both! It really does sound like I need to start off again with the training for separation and distraction when he starts to chew etc....
So Duncan is now 9 months old this week & has just recently (the past couple of weeks) developed a destructive chewing issue! He was definitely a...
Duncan is around the same age I think @Hugo's mum -- a little over 7 months and there are days that he is great and well behaved and listens...
I do the same thing as @JulieT and I act as if I don't care/want what Duncan has and it is usually something he really doesn't want either (just...
Duncan is 6 months and 2 weeks and he is very high energy mostly American "working" lab & we have had him in training now for 7 weeks - training...
@Deejay50 It does get better! We had to do a slow transition with Duncan - we got him at 8 weeks and let him sleep in his crate in our bedroom for...
We played around with mealtimes at first too & at first I was adamant about waiting until at least 7am so that maybe we could sleep in on the...
Yep! he pretty much always just goes to sleep after settling down in his crate! they spend a lot more time sleeping than I realized before getting...
Duncan definitely got better and almost stopped biting altogether for a month or two and then recently it started up again ... much less than the...
I feel for you @Hugo's mum! Duncan is almost 6 months now and although the biting has gotten a LOT better, when he does start biting because of...