Oh dear, just catching up Julie, how is the boy this morning?
Thanks for all your kind words x
We lost our little princess Misty this morning. It was quick, which was a blessing, but we had hoped to have her longer. This Monday would have...
Karen Would you forgo the training line at this stage? Not sure whether to always use it, or only use it if recall becomes a problem.
Oh Emily what a gorgeous photo. I can never see enough puppy pictures :)
I know, it's strange. With us being rural I think we are lucky, there's only one place in town that the council ask you to keep your dog on a...
We don't have any dogs parks or anywhere full enclosed, but we do have a harness and a training line. We have a large field out the back, but...
Thanks, I'm looking forward to getting him out and about and not having to carry him :D
My wee sausage is growing like a weed. Went out today and bought a medium sized collar to replace his small one. We also bought a comfy fit...
Boogie Are the other 2 as sore on the skirting boards as the Wobbler?
Dexter I did look at getting the Wobbler, but then read other peoples post about the noise etc, so am looking to get him a buster cube. I'll...
I can't help I'm afraid, I'm sure someone with more experience with be along shortly to help though :)
Oh wow Fiona, that must have been an amazing experience! No wonder you ended up with two of them :) Growing up I was not allowed any pets, my...
We'll definitely be getting the extreme ones :D He's on the medium sized normal ones today, and he's been fine, closely supervised though. He's...
He only had it for an hour and 15 minutes in total, I'm not sure anything would have been left if he'd had it any longer :eek:
I've contacted Kong, I don't know if I'll hear back, but I made my views pretty clear. Never thought of Facebook tbh :) He's good so far, just...
Well, some of you may know I've been looking for idea's to keep wee Jake busy while I'm being subjected to night shift for a bit. I bought a star...
Oh god, wouldn't dare leave the back door open where we are. We have a dodgy neighbour 3 doors down, who has unsavoury visitors. Just need to...
Found a local doggy day care, she's just opening new premises, and hoping to get the keys this week. Hopefully it will be somewhere I'm happy...
When our first dog, Murphy, turned one he started sleeping with us, I loved having him with us. Then we adopted Misty and discovered she snored...