Thanks. Yes all the photo's so far are of him sleeping, or they are of his bum disappearing.
Hi. We need some advice please. Yesterday just after 6am Jake pooped in his crate for the very first time, he never made a sound until he'd...
I've got a few pictures of Jake when he's been a sleepy pup. Toilet break turned nap: [IMG] Sofa surfer: [IMG] And lastly, taken today. Misty...
So glad he's doing okay, he's so gorgeous :)
Oh. And could someone explain to Jake that 8 and a half weeks is too young for lager! He's trying his best to get a sip of my OH's :eek:
Thanks all. We have done much better with toileting today, both our improvement and Jake's. We have been praising lots and treating if he does...
Thanks Rosemary. I worrying we're setting him up to fail I guess. He's been in his pen a lot more today, after failed toilet visits, and if...
With Jake being housetrained at the moment we were outside quite a lot last night. He seemed more concerned about the wet stuff falling from the...
Wow, it's really easy to forget just how much work a new pup is. I think we're mostly doing okay. We're head over heel's with him obviously,...
Oh what a good lad. All that hard works paying off :)
Thanks, I'll need to have a look :)
Okay my arms are breaking already. How am I supposed to carry the little monster for the next 4 weeks? :eek:
Oh what a clever girl :)
He's really been super today. We went to Pets at Home and had a wander round, and we stood at the door of Tesco while Hubs bought a few things....
If all goes well I'm hoping to convince Hubby that we need on of each colour :cool:
Thanks everyone. We didn't soak his last 2 meals, we gave him it dry. We took his crate upstairs after letting him out at half 10, and I set the...
We picked Jake up this morning, he's just too adorable :D We're totally smitten already. He's too much for Misty at the moment, she wants...
Oh, both gorgeous dogs. They look so settle napping on the rug together :)
I'll try, the only thing is I'm so excited I'm having trouble settling down at night lol :)
I know! I nearly gave the cat a heart attack when I squealed coming off the phone :)