Glad she's felling recovered! Good luck trying to keep her settled :)
He, he, thanks. We've narrowed it down to Jake, Milo or Sam :D I hanging towards Jake myself.
We're last on the list to choose. One is going to a show home, so the breeder will pick him out first. Not that I'm bothered, they all looked...
We'll be back in two weeks to visit them, but I'm hoping it will be November before I know it :)
We went to see the pups this morning, and as expected, we're both smitten. They are chubby little bundles, with shiny coats and look very happy....
Oh wow, they do like to scare the heck out of us don't they?
I don't see the point in going to bed on Sunday night, cause I'll never sleep :D
Going to see them on Monday, I can't wait
I was thinking about this last night while browsing for pens, and thought that this was a good idea. I had saw some pens that you could attach to...
They look nice and sturdy :)
Yeah, we have space for the 42" so will go for that. Can anyone recommend a sturdy pen for indoor use? And has anyone had an escape artist from...
I've bought a puppy crate second hand for bringing my boy home (6 weeks and counting), but I'm wondering what size of adult crates you all have?...
Our last 2 dogs have been Cavalier Spaniels, when we got our first we thought we'd found "our" breed. Small dogs with big personalities, loves a...
I just received this picture from the breeder: [IMG] I picked her up wrong, there are three male chocolate puppies, but we're last on the list,...
Oh one thing I ment to ask. We both work, Stuart works Mon - Fri 8 till 16:49, and I do 3 days 14 till 20:30. Overnight, and the 3 hours our pup...
Added thanks :)
Oh she's beautiful :)
I'll have photo's by the end of the week :) That's the puppy crate bought(2nd hand small to start us off), clickers ordered, 2 more books...
Thanks Ternaya, I hope I feel the same when I pick up the "one" :)
It will be the longest 8 weeks, but god knows how we're going to pick one. We've never picked a puppy before, Murphy was the only one not spoken...