Hang in there, I am 56 and my husband jobshares so he is away working 6 weeks then home for 6 weeks. I know its a huge job alone, Ziggy is now 17...
When i click new album it does nothing using samsung tablet. Only paid today to upgrade
Hi I am having a bit of trouble with this, will not let me create an album
Yeah thinking its a lab food thing lol
Ziggy hiccups quite often sometimes after eating or drinking sometimes for no reason at all. Do any of your puppies get a dose of the hiccups,...
Thankyou for the warm welcome
Hello My name is Ziggy and my mummy has had me for 9 weeks now. I am 17 weeks old and a big boy. [ATTACH]
Beautiful puppy. How do you post pics straight into here like that please
Welcome luna from 16 week old ziggy...ps I love love love yoghurt
Per on command is a must for us..we do a lot of caravan holidays, long drives and Ziggy will come with us. At 4 months he will pee or poo when i...
Update on Ziggy.. For the last 4 days i have had quite a few 5 mim sessions with Ziggy....sitting on the floor with him and its a no...
Hi thanks snow bunny am feeling pretty proud...I did it
I am having same problem with avatar...how do i resize a photo om android tablet...
Thankyou Rosie
Hi snow bunny hope tnis works, this is a pic of ziggy taken about 3 weeks ago https://www.flickr.com/gp/146106968@N03/4r3g60
Thanks for the replies, and encouragement. Ziggy is nearly 20 kg so no picking him up. I was worried about his weight but after seeing his sire...
Hi Ziggy is now 16 weeks and coming along nicely with training.... well for someone that hopes she is doing it right, Sit and Down are...
Hi Ziggys sire is a very large do and Ziggys paws are enormous, at 16 weeks he is 18.4 kg some puppy fat but a lot of growing to do