Re: What food do you use ? Natures menu raw food here too. With a bone twice a week and then whatever we end up leaving at tea time (if it's...
Re: Help!!!!!! Deffo CLICK FOR QUIET.... check out the article on the main website (And no, of...
Re: Barking at other dogs Good tip Rachel thanks. We've had a practice a few times since and he's got it spot on 3 or 4 times, but then some...
Re: Amy was frightened. Maybe it was the shock of being faced with them all at the same time. At least it ended up a happy encounter and I think...
Re: Insurance - which company is best? Just a thought, but I did the comparison thing on the web and MoreThan were about 4th on the list....
Re: Barking at other dogs I'm afraid I don't Rachael. I only know 2 other people with dogs and they're both mental, so I try to avoid contact!!...
Re: Barking at other dogs Thanks for the replies - it is a bow, bottom up, front legs splayed, kind of bouncing the way a guard dog would run at...
Morning... a bit stressed out here today. Chip has always been timid but with some controlled socialising over the last year we've had him he's...
Re: Black dog syndrome (sad) When I made the decision to get a dog, I knew I wanted a lab. I also knew I didn't want a puppy. So began my search...
Re: Benson is Green! This made me chuckle. I had pasta at the weekend and due to me being lazy on the sofa, I'd saved Chip some so just allowed...
Re: Doggy Bags , thoughts ? At least it was intended for the dogs. My gran gets a doggy bag & eats whats left for her tea. Yuk!
Re: Slipping back to old ways! You know when super nanny goes into homes where the children are misbehaving and she starts telling the parents...
Re: English /American / Field? Slightly off topic - I enjoy the lab links on facebook but I must admit this one made me cross. I did actually...
Re: Ball Chucker I use mine on a morning for about 5 throws, just to get his initial energy out the way before training begins. Then, when...
Re: Your thoughts please I'm not sure where you are getting your reading material from Maggie but I do think that a lot of what is 'out there'...
Re: Dealing with Aggressive off leash dogs I agree Julie, a little snap is understandable and I would chastise myself for allowing him to bound...
Re: Dealing with Aggressive off leash dogs I too have been at the nasty end of a dog attack, well, Chip has, but it was when I first got him and...
Re: anyone elses dogs corn nibble?! No, but Chip sucks my fingers like a child. If he's wanting my attention he'll do it when we're out & about...
Re: Fussy Meg Super, really pleased she likes it!
Re: Fussy Meg Oh bless her, she's not daft!!