Re: How long, O Lord.....?? I don't blame them either! :)
Re: Can anyone help my lab is 11 months and still not house trained I have trained Agree completely with Kate, train from puppy stage. Also, you...
Re: How long, O Lord.....?? Have you tried putting his lead on to take him outside? It may break the 'holding back' behaviour. Mine will go in...
Re: Sofa question! Oh goodness, I'm in tears now. Poor boy....must've been awful for you all. You're right though, no matter how long we have...
Re: Sofa question! Laughed at all of the above. Last night I let Chip on the sofa for the first time, he's never been on before except once when...
Re: switching food Thanks Barbara, I hope so too. He's really not the doggy dustbin most make labs out to be, he's very gentle with his food,...
Re: switching food Help again!!! I bought the new food in smaller bags, we finished the first which was a meaty flavour, now onto the second...
Re: the good boy turns naughty Oh. My. Good. Lord!!!! I'm laughing here, it's just his expression that you have the camera out to take a...
Re: Marley and me I've never cried so hard at a film, literally it was like I'd lost that dog... although at the beginning when it demolished the...
Re: switching food Thanks for the replies, got the new food yesterday so it's been mixed with the old this morning then will be for a couple of...
Hi all, just a bit of advice please....I've had my lab for just coming up to 10 weeks now & he's 15 months old. When I got him he was on Beta...
Re: Odd behaviour on walk I think dogs can sense ghosts...or 'beings' or whatever. A friend's dog would follow a member of her family around...
Re: Going to the loo a lot during a walk Chip also gets 'loose' when he's been swimming - I've noticed in some rivers/ponds worse than others. If...
Re: Fireworks Aww thanks guys, I'm doing my best! He was a bit shook up after our incident, but I've returned there a couple of times & tried to...
Re: Fireworks Thanks for the welcome Dexter :) It appears I can't send private messages, so I'll reply here. Chip was bought as a pressie for a 3...
Re: Having a Lab and working full time - possible? I've had my lab now for just 7 weeks after months and months of shall I/shan't I. One thing I...
Re: Helpful observation by member of the public! This made me chuckle....I was in the park yesterday with my very quiet and a bit scared black...