Oh my goodness, what a photo :inlove:
I'm sure I heard (how's that for a scientifically supported statement) that it was something to do with their features being harder to see. Other...
If in doubt, I buy my OH a shirt that he can wear for golf. He's got hundreds of them :rolleyes:
Oh my goodness, don't you just want to give her a big snuggly cuddle!?
I've been saying it in a way that I would imagine Antonio Banderas would say it "carra-bon-nay" (rolling the 'Rs' of course) :D. It sounds so much...
Isn't "our" Chi the perfect example of this :)
Happy birthday Stanners!! I hope you get a second piece of cake!
Lovely video, her enthusiasm is contagious :) I hope you don't mind a random question - are all of the woods like that? With no scrub/bush? When...
Hi from me and Ella in Melbourne, Australia :hi:
Yep, the weather is crazy. It's April and we had a day in the 30s! I cooked dinner on the BBQ in shorts and a singlet. In April. It's ridiculous.
Ella sits on the back seat of our RAV4 (in a crash tested car harness). She shares the seat with our toddler and there's plenty of room for both...
I tend to keep walking in the hope that the other dogs will give up and go away. However, this does put Ella in a position where she's being...
Ooh, well done Pig! I'm going to try my hardest to be abysmal tomorrow.
Good boy Coco! Oh, the gross bit of treat that you find at the bottom of the bag/pocket. Been there :D
Interesting. I have a friend that is a Siberian Husky owner. They currently have 4 sibes, all rescues. They have been on the committee for the...
Umm... No Stanley, I don't think it is o_O
OMD I have been playing the best game ever. Mummy puts a toy down and asks me to get it for her so I run and bounce and bring it back and give it...
We've made some progress :) I can now start with Ella sitting at heel, in the lounge room. I walk to the other end of the lounge room and put the...
This mental image is fantastic! And SO Charlie! :D