Ella gets like this if we have to leave her at the outlaws. I find her frantic behaviour quite stressful as I always think it's a sign that she...
My OH is called Paul. Might be a little weird if I had a dog called Paul too o_O
Ooh they are gorgeous! How old are they now?
Good work :D Like off Shrek? ;):D
In Australia in 2017, Labs were still the most popular breed :D 1. Labrador Retriever 2. Staffordshire Bull Terrior 3. French Bulldog 4. German...
:eek: How did you cope?
Says every new lab puppy parent :) It sounds as though things are going well! We didn't crate train Ella but we did use a puppy pen. Hopefully...
Such a fantastic update, thanks Mags. :) Look at the beautiful Mollie working so well, at such a young age. I notice that she still has such a...
I'm giving her lots of cuddles and finishing off all of her meals for her.
Nathan gave mum new-mownier but she doesn't look very grateful, she's just lying in bed barking. I thought new things were supposed to be good?...
Oh no, that's horrible. I hope he's more settled now and you have good news for us soon x
Add in the excitement of "DINNER TIME!!!" and you've got a round of dog-human bitey face :eek: It was my first thought too. Obviously, we did see...
Are you certain that the biting was aggressive? Is there any chance that it was a result of over the top excitement?
It sounds so awful. Hopefully he settles soon and feels more comfortable letting you get close to his neck. Is he happy to wear a harness? I'm...
Crappy week. Poor Ella has had only 2 walks in 3 days and one of the "walks" was a play at the park with the ball chucker and a quick training...
I love it when Ella cuddles like that.
Oh goodness, that's awful! Poor baby :( I hope he makes a quick recovery x
Eewwww :eek: I'm definitely interested in reading the article when you get a chance to link it. :) In theory, I like the idea of testing...
Thanks for the info @snowbunny, that's interesting. Is it a case of testing if/when you think there's something going on or do you do a regular...
Oh poor Pig! Ella is exactly the same! If she wants to come up on the couch, but the cushions aren't arranged to her liking, she'll stare at you...