It's a tough call between just a house training set back (11 weeks is still very young to consider that done), or possibly yes a UTI. Puppy Gemma...
If you don't mind me asking (and this has come up on other threads here before). Why in 2015 does this make no mention of Elbows?...
Hi, There is some really good info here about all the different health tests, what they mean, and their importance....
Ah ok, sorry. I could only picture the foil tray types which are pretty thick and sturdy. What's the pouch like is it tin-foil ish?
I do the same, using fishy cat food as a 1 in 50 jackpot recall treat. I've never handed it over in the tray though, I scoop it out onto my...
It really is a fine line isn't it in terms of embracing a training opportunity that comes with some risk. No risk no gain, but is the risk worth...
I think the problem is that dog training is a unregulated industry. Any one of us could advertise ourselves as a trainer tomorrow. Hey I can...
I think we've all been there, so please don't feel you're alone on this. Hey, I'm an uptight middle aged guy, (and of course, men don't cry!) and...
Sucked me right in there!
Batman vs X-Men lol :) Almost uncanny, but no, we're in the grim north (I wont say too much though just in case the walls have eyes!)
Unfortunately I don't think that's so uncommon. I have a friend who got way out his depth with his german shepsherd. They hired a trainer who was...
Well, close :) You're not supposed to spray it in their face or directly at them, it just needs to be near by. But if I need to defend against...
I used every training tool I could think of to deal with this! And the end result is sensational, but boy we've been working on most of this stuff...
Even when Gemma went in for her spay, just one day, I knew having an empty house would knock me for six. So I tactically arranged for a friend to...
Great link there beanwood
Ahhh so that's why I get a wet cold nose in my face after a few hours kip - she's just checking :)
Perhaps sorting out there differences was them finding their own pecking order? I bet there was a fascinating set of submissive and dominant...
How about getting a boot ramp? I think I've seen some on amazon purpose designed for doggy use, and were telescopic or fold away. I kept them in...
It doesn't explain the location thing, unless that's just co-incidence. But the only time I had this was when my pup had a Urinary Tract Infection...
Sounds good :) I think you are onto a winner with the texture. The crunchier the better in my experience! Except as a general rule of thumb I...