What a beautiful lab! Charlie is so handsome and quite the physical specimen. They do love the water!
Happy Birthday Bob! He is so handsome...
Well happy Birthday to Willow and Shadow! If you have a few recent pictures, I would love to see them. I'm sure it was a challenge raising two...
Hello Lisa. Here Simba! Love that name. Please post a pic of your baby. I had a trip planned to take Chopper to Vancouver BC, then to Squamish and...
Thank you so much for the warm welcome! Such a nice group of people here.
Hello Coco and Rhys... Welcome to the site. Love your chocolate thunder! He is so cute.
I think the article was well written and covered both sides of the controversy regarding Silver Labradors. Before I state my opinion, I would like...
My girlfriend and I took Chopper camping in Mount Hood National Forest on our last camping trip. We spent 4 days exploring the most remote...
Hello Jo & Maggie. I recently joined the forum also. Welcome to the party.
Twiglet is an angel...
LOL... I'm sure Chopper would fall in love with Juno as well. She is beautiful and he has a special place in his heart for other labs.
Happy Birthday Harley! Looking forward to seeing pictures of your girl.
What a wonderful place to take Juno swimming. Look at her go... So beautiful!
Wheelin' on his birthday in his 4x4 rig... [IMG] My co-pilot: [IMG]
Bless her... So precious! Somebody owns a nice camera and knows how to use it...
Thanks for the tip JulieT. ..I got it to work.
Rosemary, I noticed the birth date of your precious Juno. That is pretty cool. Thank you for the nice compliment. I'd love to post a few pics of...
Love the name Juno. My birthday is June 18th. Chopper was born on July 27, 2014.
Chopper is named after his 4x4 rig. They are both jet black and he loves to go wheeling and camping in it.
I just wanted to drop in and say hello to everyone and introduce myself along with my lab. My name is Jerry and I have an English Lab named...