Thank you! You are all so kind! I'm going to check out those eBay sellers.
While here. While here. Not whole. (Can't figure out how to edit my post)
So, hearing all of you rave about vet bed, I really want some for my two girls. However, as one other person has reported it is $900 for ten...
Re: Olive/coconut/fish oil for slightly flaky skin? I give my two a cod liver oil pill one day and a wild Alaska salmon pill the next. Both big...
Re: Overweight rescue... I adopted Buca two years ago almost to the day. She was 7years old. She came from Calgary and a friend of her previous...
Re: My friends' dog has gone missing :( Oh what awful news. Your friend must feel wretched. Fingers crossed that he is found safe and sound.
Re: Tennis ball obsession I've heard, but don't know for sure, that the fibreglass in tennis balls will wear down a dog's teeth. We stick to...
Re: New Dog Commercial I laughed out loud at the last one too. I guess we know where our dogs find fresh water. Actually Buca's preference is to...
Re: Runny poos.... So I was out for an hour. Piper and Buca had the run of the house. Bedrooms closed off. Counters cleared. Toilet paper put...
Re: Runny poo & sickness - skip dinner? On another post, same topic, I added that I give my girls a bit of probiotic powder to help things back...
Re: Runny diarrhoea for a couple of days If one of my girls get diarrhea I also give them a bit of probiotic powder to try to help things back to...
My 9 year old has a wart on her foot. Well, it looks like a wart. She licks at it. Sometimes so does the puppy. Are there any easy ways to get rid...
Re: Peroxide?? I have used peroxide twice. Once ten years ago with my other dog, on the advice of the emergency animal hospital. The kind they...
Re: The destruction of beds .... Oh! I laughed out loud when I saw the photo of Rolo and the bed innards. Only because I have seen the same...
Piper is one year old today. I can't believe how fast the months have flown by. She is 47 pounds. A beauty. (I'm not sure if the photos will be...
Re: Curious We are in White Rock, BC. Not far from Vancouver and a stone's throw to the U.S. border. Rain, rain and more rain.
Re: 2 weeks to Louis comes home (photos) Ohhhh. Precious! I remember those soft little pads....
Re: Teaching dogs to ring a bell! With my previous dog, and now with Piper, I just hung the Christmas bell on the door from the very start. And...
Re: A destroyer of toys!! I hope it's that is what Piper does too. And she even chews bits off kongs. Even the black kongs which are...
Re: Anyone braving a Christmas tree? Putting up my real Charlie Brown tree, but not til the 19th when I'm home full time to supervise. We've had...