Re: Holding Rue a little closer tonight. Oh my goodness that is devastating for your friend. So sad. My heart aches for her too.
Re: How often do you walk your dogs? I walk with Piper (11 months) and Buca (9 years) forty minutes in the mornings, on leash. Piper gets a...
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? Piper is 11 months in a few days and she weighs 46.5 lbs which I think is 20kg more or less. My petite girl.
Re: Hello from White Rock, BC, Canada I had a ten year old black lab who was taken away by my ex. A huge heartbreak that still makes me cry. I...
Re: Hello from White Rock, BC, Canada [IMG] Maybe this link will work. Fingers crossed.
Re: Hello from White Rock, BC, Canada [img]
Re: Hello from White Rock, BC, Canada I'd like to post a photo of the girls but I have no idea how to do it...
I've been reading the forums with great interest. I have two girls. Buca is 9. Piper is 9 months.