Our Callie is 16 weeks old. She sleeps decently through the night until about 5 something when she wakes up and wants a potty break. After we put...
Yeah, I agree. I read her puppy food may be too rich. I never gave our 6 year old puppy food, we went straight to normal. But I want to make sure...
Over the past week or so, our puppy has regressed (first week was okay) and is now waking up almost every two hours during the night either to...
I'm not sure if it's the same situation...but about a month ago Luke spent a weird 1-2 weeks having a couple accidents inside. He can definitely...
This video was amazing, your puppy is adorable. Brought back great memories. That car ride mirrored mine except I think Luke whined a little more...
Forgot to mention, I was feeding Luke an overnight frozen kong filled with plain, non-fat yogurt (good for tummies) and doggie peanut butter every...
Welcome!! Here to offer my support/empathy as well. If you scroll through enough of the pages of the forum you'll find my own post freaking out...
Re: Luke is so clingy haha apparently wrestling dad is common: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2lcsw84zj767h93/Luke%20wrestling.JPG?dl=0 And yes,...
Re: Not long til our new arrival! I can't handle how cute she is. Puppy belly is really my kryptonite. Congrats!! Take pictures every week if...
It's awful. He just sits at my feet and looks up at me like I'm the most important thing in this world and he trusts me completely. How horrible!...
Re: First day with new puppy - what time to feed her before bed? Welcome!! From Brenda and Luke (my 18-week-old monster) in the US. ::)
Luke came home at 8 weeks old and putting him in the crate to sleep was definitely an ordeal. He cried for hours for almost a week and then it...
Re: Biting You are all amazing. The support and understanding on this forum is unmatched. Things have gotten soooo much better. Usually when he...
Yesterday was a big, big day for Luke. We had a lot of snow so the plow guy (for those who don't know- big truck with an attachment that pushes...
Re: Biting Thank you everyone for the advice! I try to give him other things to distract and chew but he seems to enjoy my hand or whatever I'm...
Re: Biting What are other things? The puppy's family and some of my own friends with dogs are who advised me to try those. I feel pretty...
Luke is 10 weeks old now and his biting is getting worse and worse. I've read in the forums about the crocodog and articles saying that it's...
Re: when to switch to adult food Yeah, I don't do vegetarian either but I've tried the advice of switching around. I'm using a brand called...
Re: when to switch to adult food I've heard conflicting things about what to feed puppies. A lot of brands have puppy formula and some vets talk...
Re: End of my tether! Thanks for the replies!! Rest assured he's only been with me for a week. The family would definitely not part before 8...