Our lovely 7month lad has been used to being off leash since we first got him. We have trained using Total Recall and he has been absolutely...
Thank you Jo. Although we have always used part of his kibble for training have until you said not tried using it all. Since your post we now...
Thought about this couple of months ago knowing Hero's propensity to chew on anything especially plant life in the garden. I have no rose bushes...
Hero has been through a seriously loud time of demand barking for anything and everything over the last few weeks but have followed lots of advice...
Hero is 7 months on Friday and have to say haven't had this issue arise yet. He's the complete opposite and wants to go to everybody for a fuss...
Out on our usual run this morning, Hero was off leash on a really big field he knows and we were playing and doing some nosework and everything...
Has any one got any different ideas on how to slow puppy down when eating. Hero at 61/2 months goes at his food like a bull in a China shop. We've...
Yep Hero has days like this, had one today. I know when he's got his teenage head on he won't listen to anything till he's ready. Ate a sparrow...
Yep not the best photo under false light. He's actually a lot darker in true daylight. Mum and dad both very dark reds and both very very tall....
I've seen lots of posts on the forums revolving around weight of puppies and adult dogs but none about how tall they can grow. Our 61/2 month Hero...
Even as I write this, Hero's just sunk his teeth in my hand. 61/2 months. It is an awful lot better than the crocopup we did have. He will stop...
The last two days have been rather hellish and today has started in similar vein. On his off leash walks yesterday and day before, Hero has been...
Just another thought Lucy. I'm guessing that at 11 months Mia is being fed twice a day. Although this may be different. Hero has always had a...
Hi Lucy. What a shame Mia had such a poor start in life bless her. We get our bones from a local butcher. The best are the joints as these contain...
Hero was 6.4 kg at 9 weeks. Now 6 months he is 23.4 kg. Height to shoulder 23 inches. Saw vet for check up Friday. She said as he's from working...
Hi Lucy and Mia. I have a 6 month fox red called Hero. For the first month after we got him he had similar problems. Breeder had weaned him onto...
Hanging out sounds so lovely. We haven't managed to get there yet, but hoping to in the future. Tomorrow Hero reaches his 6 month birthday and it...
Hello LabSam. Yep very true about following all the usual tips and still not working. I also am at home a lot and being Heroes main 'trainer' and...
Thank you. Hero is beyond important to me and has been a dream since my Golden Prince from childhood so what's best for him is all that counts....
In a rare spare moment a few days ago, sat having a read through posts and some really older threads. Two phrases jumped out at me - Trigger...