Ha ha are you sure??? Will have a look thank you
New traditions are great. Every year for our anniversary me and hubs have a day out somewhere. Yesterday we took Hero with us so it was a big day...
Thank you Ruth. I'll look into the bedding. Got to try something.
Hello Leigh and Kyko. Well done you. I love reading positive posts about successes. It can be quite daunting sometimes to read about all the...
Two separate issues all but wondering if anyone got any good tips on the following issues. 1) Bedding. Hero has developed issues around his in...
So Hero surpassed himself today. We went to Blickling Hall now the National Trust have become dog friendly. We thought naively, that last day of...
Hero has been doing really well on his walks and runs this last few weeks, gradually increasing amount of distractions and he is coping good....
I carry a bag of them when recall training. Hero can smell them( and me...) Right across the field. Second I blow his whistle he comes a-runnin....
Hero is a fox red from working lines now approaching 6 months. We got him at 9 weeks. He is so intelligent and once we passed the terror tot...
Hi. When is it ok to start giving labs raw bones and what is the best one to give him please
I lose chunks of replies soon as I got post button. But it doesn't happen if I start a new thread strangely
Wanted to put something positive on here to try to boost anyone who is struggling. Hero, our very rambunctious and excitable, 5 month fox red boy...
So we got through the first big firewOrk night round here. Big whistly one just as Hero decided he wanted outside to pee but didn't take much...
Hi Ruth. Thanks for replying. Have tried on laptop as well and that's even worse. Just getting frustrated that only half reply goes up and then...
Hi just quick question. Have tried help section but no luck. Just want to know if anyone else having problems trying to reply to threads but only...
Think extra hour has affected my ability to actually reply properly ha ha, hence no message above. Sorry bout that. Hi Poppy. We also have fox red...
Hey ho...the adjustments worked for Hero ok. Just silly me that woke up at stupid o'clock. Guess the dog copes better than me then
Hi Yvonne. Please don't feel guilty. We've now reached nearly 6 months with Hero our Fox Red male. He is so energetic and boisterous and craving...
We live on the edge of a big town and there have already been several fireworks going off and displays are a regular thing at the end of speedway...