Bruno had to go to the vet for his annual booster yesterday, one that he only ever goes to for his vaccinations and is set inside a pet store....
Thanks for your quick response, glad to know that someone else has experienced this. I dont mind walking Bruno every time I know he needs to wee,...
Title says it all, Bruno has recently recovered from a UTI and is now fighting fit. But now there's something strange. Bruno just wont urinate in...
Hi there, only just saw your post, are you still looking to rehome your dad's lab?
Hello, from me and Bruno! Your pup us beautiful
I know It's just he looks like a rainbow :) :cool:
His a Labrador so I know nose down sniffing is a trait, but moreso lately when on walks, his lead walking was moderate now its terrible as he is...
This may sound like a really stupid question, so dogs can get growing pains? I googled this and come across panosteitis. All symptoms fit Bruno -...
Im going to let this round of antibiotics run it's course and see what happens, if nothing changes i will demand blood tests to be done, which...
Just need a little rant really, three times bruno has been to the vets now, for his crying and loss of apetite and all times his been given the...
I cannot create a new post?! :(
Came back home today to be told that Bruno had urinated in the house. Which he has only ever done on one other occasion. Which made me think about...
Just as I thought I was getting somewhere with Bruno we take 1000 steps back. Well today he has wee'd in the house, only done twice now, after...
What ID Tags do you have? Bruno had a simple circle one (connected by a keyring kind of thing) with his name and my contact no. on and its come...
I want to introduce the sit whistle to Bruno, I'm currently mid way through Total Recall (using 4 pips) and was just wondering if I introduce this...
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? Bruno who is 1 weighs 35KG!
How did you teach drop it?! Ive tried giving him something whilst holding a treat in my other hand, showing him the treat and saying drop it. But...
Looking for a good collar for Bruno? Seems to have outgrown all of his. Will only be used to display his dog tag as I use an harness for walks.
Re: HELP!? RECALL :o Love the video! Have started to be more appealing and rewarding any non-cued looks at me with treats or a game of fetch....
Re: HELP!? RECALL :o I know i expect way more from him than I should, so that's my fault. You say start in a boring place, so what I could do...