Hello and welcome, Well done for adopting. Not much to add really but just to say we had real troubles with getting poppy house trained. We just...
When mine had kennel cough . I Mixed runny honey with a little bit of warm water, it seem to help and they really liked it. In Fact poppy got...
I Use Vet Bed, Poppy & Onyx eat everything else.
Oh Poor you I feel your Pain, Just hang on in there. Give your self some love. Poppy is just a few months older than Ripple. It is 2 steps forward...
Thank you for this I will show my OH, as he hasn't quite got it. This weekend I have left over lamb as my training partner
I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you a hug x
Hello and welcome , What a lovely looking chap
Thank you for you input. Funny enough I do have the book and I pick it up again last night I had got to chapter 10 but not read it, so I have...
I have to say that we don't let poppy off the lead yet. I have tried it and she just runs off. I don't think that she was ever let off when she...
If I can't get out , we do brain training . I have a hoop, cones a bean shaped ball and some very large tennis balls , poppy and onyx love it....
Poor Charlie. Poppy hated the crate too, I think it had been used as a punishment in her previous home. We did what Jen Did, I put an very large...
Hi And Welcome , Well done for adopting a teenager. we adopted Poppy at 7 months and it has been a wild ride. we got her used to a crate it took...
Merry Christmas to you all and thank you. This forum is so supportive and helpful. :D x
Hi And Welcome Well done for rescuing :) Our Poppy is a rescue it took us 3 months to sort it out, we treated her like a puppy, frequent trips...
I use smelly fingers to my advantage. Poppy is glued to my side when we are off lead practising, i just keep wiggling my fingers in front of her...
I love the fact that you sung to ripple, I sing to mine all the time. Not sure they appreciate it though :o.
When we adopted poppy 4 months ago we were told she was fine with cats. How wrong were they! We have 2 cats. I think patience is the key here. I...
That has put a smile on my face :D
Oh Marie I am so sorry to read this news. How awful. Please accept my condolences Sending Big Hugs
Hi. We have just discovered frozen filled Kongs . they are amazing.