I am a shocker for this. Well done sue
We use a crate for time out. some times onyx will put him self in the crate , which is the wrong way round. But hey what ever works. As long as...
The Stuff Squirrel bit made me laugh out loud. Thank you for that alone.:D
Just Gorgeous . :D Thanks for sharing.
Well done you. I will Read this to Poppy when I get home.
Onyx often takes himself off to his crate in the evening although we are all cuddled up in the living room. I think he just likes his bed. Maybe...
Hi And Welcome From me, Poppy (choc lab) & onyx ( Black lab) in Suffolk UK
Thanks for sharing that made me giggle
so glad that he is feeling better
Hello and welcome. You will find this site a god send. A name will come to you. when we had our first girl it took me ages, I just kept looking at...
So Cute :D
You chaps & chapess' Are lovely.;) The one thing it has done. It has made me so determined that poppy will change her mind. My Girlie can do it.
I am feeling so much better. Poppy is the biggest in the class. last week she did so well and didn't get any praise from her. Its takes a lot of...
Poor Chap, and poor you. xx
It was good to here that you didn't get on with puppy classes to, Poppy and I are struggling at the moment. I thought it was us. We have a trainer...
That is just so lovely for a wet Monday morning. Thanks for sharing. Well done you
Hello and welcome. Poppy is also very keen to meet others. we are off to training class this evening and we already know we will have to work in...
It didn't take onyx long at all maybe a week. I just keep telling onyx that he is very handsome and he likes the fact that the treats have gone...
We have always given our dogs human food, it doesn't lead to begging. We never feed from the table. Our two sniff around while I am dishing up...
Hi. We have always had our dogs from pups.I found it to be so much easier. We rescued poppy 5 weeks ago she is now eight months. I have found her...