Hi And Welcome. From 8 .month old Poppy and me. This forum is a god send. we rescued Poppy at 7 months she is a choc lab very similar behaviour....
Very Familiar ! Our First puppy session ( last Week) poppy & I were sent to the where the naughty girls go part of the hall. Thats where we spent...
Very helpful Thanks
So glad this has come up.We have poppy 8 months. She is rescue we have had her 5 weeks. she has been fine. until this last week I leave the house...
That's amazing well done to all :D
Hello from Me Onyx & poppy. Onyx is 9 & Black. Poppy is 8 months and chocolate. we live in Suffolk UK. I love San fran. I have family near there
Are you crating her during the day ?
I have my copy. its Fab !!!! I am enjoying it.
Hi I have just discovered Turid Rugaas. I am just about to start her book on barking And I am waiting for on talking terms with dogs And what if...
I love this idea i will give it a try.This morning I had them about a metre apart. Lola was having her breakfast and poppy was sitting nicely,...
Thank you. for your advice.
Well we are now into our 3rd week with 7 month old poppy. She is settling in very well. Much calmer. When we rescued her they said that she had...
The invisable fence idea has been shelved !!!! I think the way forward is a smallish area that is fenced off. so that we can work with her. Onyx's...
Book & Whistle Have been Bought :D
Thank you So Much ! I know we have long way to go , and I know that I am asking a lot. after all she has only been with us for 2 1/2 weeks. aready...
She has been given up because he last owner couldn't cope.They had very young Children and no time for a chocolate lab. She is very bouncy its...
Thanks for replying. we are still looking into it as I am not sure how they work. I will have a chat with the husband to see if we could section...
Hello we have just rescued a 7 month old chocolate lab . We have had her 3 weeks so a short time really she is our 3rd lab. our biggest problem...