Wow, you guys really have had a tough time of it. An 11 week old puppy is hard enough never mind an injured one that you need to keep occupied....
So we are working the same problem. Little Zigster has been waking consistently at 5am. He doesn’t want out for a wee he even knows it’s not...
The only thing I can suggest is rewarding for calm behaviour. We had Zig (4 months) on his first pub visit last week and fed him his dinner whilst...
It’s great. He’ll go and sit nicely in his crate whilst I load it up.
Yeah I made a mess of the link. This is the closest I could find on the US site:...
My pup loves these. 5-10 minutes peace!
Hi @terry24, looking at the Purina website ( it's a bit confusing but it seems to...
I think it varies by dog. I did this with Ziggy and I do feel it made a difference. I also hand feed him and spend a bit of time working on not...
As @Mango asked, what brand is he on? How much does he weigh? 300g sounds quite a lot but it'll depend on his size/food quality. Does his poop...
Not mine, you could load him up until he started blowing it out his back-end and he'd still keep going. Turning money into poop! :D
I feed my boyo dry kibble and also make sure he has plenty of water on hand.
Hi Jacquelina, I think every dog is different so I can only speak from my own experience. Ziggy was fairly bitey from the get go, latching onto...
I had always thought of myself as a dog person despite never owning one but the first 6-8 weeks of the Ziggy adventure were very hard, sometimes...
Get lots and lots and lots of sleep!!! :):) Good luck!
Hey Selina, that could definitely be the problem. He sleeps in the dining room which is quite bright in the morning as the patio doors are in the...
....I should also say that he's started losing baby teeth/growing adult ones and he does seem quite keen to get into a chew when he wakes...not...
Hi Folks, Ziggy (4 months) has been really good overnight pretty much from day 1. Sleeping from 11pm through until 7am with a loo break around 6...
Pretty much agree with everything that's said here. We are 9 weeks into our Lab adventure and it's hard work but very rewarding. My wife works...
I bought the 80cm high version of this: I have it attached to Ziggy's crate...
The little body shape they make, arched back, tail between the legs is so funny :D