Re: Driving me nuts today! Currently our preferred Kong stuffing is a little bit of honey drizzled inside then stuffed with sliced carrot. He...
Re: Driving me nuts today! We are 5 months in. Seen some big changes over the last month or so. We still have off days. We had a couple of "did...
Re: Crate while on holiday She has taken a bit of training but she will now go voluntarily. Lots of treats and praise. She's an antipodean so a...
Re: Crate while on holiday We have our first trip with Max mid March. Off to a cottage in the lakes. We will be taking his metal crate. He's 5...
Re: Brain Games For Dogs - Claire Arrowsmith Mrs GreenBull flagged this one as a possible purchase but then I read the reviews on Amazon....
Re: How to pick a puppy Yes, this is pretty much what we thought. The breeder said the same.
Re: Leaving puppy on it's own Ours is crated for 4 hours am and pm. I drop home at lunch. We then do so training and a trip round the park. He...
Re: Best Vacuum Cleaner Funny you should say that... We have an upright Dyson but found it scratched our floors much to Mrs GreenBulls annoyance....
Re: Watching television Very occasionally if there are some animals on screen. There was a police dog barking on TV the other day and that...
Re: Using the forum - your opinions Unread posts too. i was getting annoyed at first as i couldnt find the "show unread posts since last...
Re: Beware nicotine replacement e-cigarettes and your dog I'm only pulling your leg. Please don't take it to heart :) All papers have their...
Re: Beware nicotine replacement e-cigarettes and your dog :) excellent
Re: Beware nicotine replacement e-cigarettes and your dog Being the daily mail i am a bit sad we haven't had any that combine immigrants and...
Re: Beware nicotine replacement e-cigarettes and your dog I knew it before even opening that this was going to be todays daily mail update :-)
Re: Big dog! You really need to stop reading the daily mail!
Re: food... At about 3.5 months we dropped Max on to 2 meals a day. He want showing much interest in lunch. we then increased the weight of his...
Re: Your thoughts please They have to be licensed to do any kind of animal work. This work would have had to be licensed by the home office too...
Re: Your thoughts please Most of the publicity used by anti vivisectionists is out dated rubbish from the occasional rogue operator. I don't know...
Re: Kennel outside We thought about one of those., but a Labrador sized flap is a burglar sized flap. Plus they aren't exactly draught proof.
Re: Antlers/hard chews for dogs Might be too late for us by then as Max loves his antlers and we would have gone through a few more by then!