Sorry but I've never found a way to stop a happy tail we just don't put drinks on the table its part of being a lab owner same with the hair/coat...
Thanks Natalie would love to when she is older I'm very lucky as I've got Cannock chase on door step :D
Hi Ella is now 9 weeks old sleeping through the night and is mostly house trained she also sits on command how is baloo
Hi I'm just going down this route myself after losing my best friend and gun dog of 14 years now got a 9 week old black lab girl called Ella so as...
I'm from the midlands uk Norfolk happy days Lowestoft/ great Yarmouth my 2nd home
Hi and welcome Ella and me
Hi I don't know how but my little 9 week old lab is now going through the night from around 10pm to 6am she has the odd accident in the house when...
Oo I think I may have got the pic thing at last my girl Ella is only 9 weeks old and just had the reg papers from the k/club her aim in life is to...
We had a pet lab and a working gun dog so very different rules no problems with one leaving the other I've now got a 9 week old black lab called...
Take no notice of idiots at the puppy class we 2 have a daft choc girl called Beth and she is the most gentle lab you could wish for just use the...
[ATTACH] Ok ill try again
Welcome he is very cute
er how do you get a nice large pic up
Ok will try again Ella is only 9 weeks old the tennis ball in the pic is the smallest kong air[ATTACH]
Hi and welcome [IMG]cant get the hang of putting up pics on here I've only had Ella 6 days she is already going through most of the night is doing...
That's one good looking dog happy birthday Axel:)
very cute