My lab is 1 year now, so I can sympathize. First, you can't ever leave him unsupervised, ever. You are either playing with him, or he needs to...
My lab is a hyper 1 year old, and I would never let him around a baby (at ground level). He's just to big, bouncy, and pointy. My 2.5 year old...
What I've found useful is to put my lab on a house-line, as taught by Pippa on this website. When you get home, walk up to the dog, who will be...
" In principle, I have no problem with dog trainers who use corrections in training, provided that the corrections are proportionate and...
Are you saying that loudly saying 'no' to your puppy with a raised finger is wrong?
No personal experience, as my 6 month old is not trustworthy on his own. But I get the impression that puppies can be great at something, and...
On a practical note, if the kids play on the same floor as the puppy, then its best to have a physical barrier between the two. We use a house...
My puppy starting barking in his crate at 1-2 months, but at night (not the morning). I went downstairs and yelled 'no' at him, and squirted him...
I always keep a 10 foot lead trailing from him, so I rarely recall him to put a leash on him. I try to just run up and grab it from the ground :)...
He's extremely food motivated (extremely). So much so that when he gets a mouth full of rotting corn stalks from the field, he becomes so focused...
Just tried it tonight. My puppy seemed to enjoy it. Hard to actually get anywhere though! My neighbors are going to think I've gone mental.
Switzerland, I think 8 weeks is the law (although I can't swear to that). I'm surprised that they only keep them 7 weeks in the USA, as the...
lots of retrieving and running around aimlessly...seems to be keeping him close :)
Well, they didn't actually say 'idiot', it was just strongly implied :) His name is Sammy!
Does he swallow the rocks or just put them in his mouth? Ours annoyingly 'chewed' on rocks from 10-12 weeks, then stopped. I moved all the mulch...
Hello! First post here. I've walked my puppy off-lead whenever possible, and he always recalled. Still, I always put him back on-lead when I...